Dustin Wilcox (Admin)
Aug 17, 2017
The Road to Eclipse Con 2017
Ah, the total solar eclipse. It’s a rare occurrence that, for whatever reason, can be viewed at its best in my hometown of Hopkinsville,...

Dustin Wilcox (Admin)
Aug 14, 2017
Dark Presence is still a thing—and it means a lot for the arcade industry
A long time ago (2008) in an arcade far, far away (the Galloping Ghost Arcade in Brookfield, Illinois), the development of a new arcade...

Dustin Wilcox (Admin)
Aug 11, 2017
Four Comics That I'm Adding to My Pull List
Comics are a rather…expensive hobby. And honestly, I’m just a 16-year-old; between subscriptions, back issues, and trade paperbacks (and...

Dustin Wilcox (Admin)
Aug 7, 2017
Daytona USA “How-To” Video Series; Sega World Drivers Championship 2018; and Injustice Arcade
I am very concerned by how long that title is. But anyway, I guess I’m doing two articles a week now, aren’t I? Don’t expect that to last...

Dustin Wilcox (Admin)
Aug 3, 2017
Why Sam Raimi and Tobey Maguire’s Spider-Man/Peter Parker is So Great
If you’ve ever met me (which I’m sure you haven’t), you know that I’m a huge fan of the original Sam Raimi Spider-Man trilogy. In my...

Dustin Wilcox (Admin)
Jul 31, 2017
War: Final Assault Product Video—Scathing Commentary
WARNING: This post contains a TON of photos, so R.I.P. dial-up users...if you even still exist...and you bother to read this blog. Eh, it...

Dustin Wilcox (Admin)
Jul 27, 2017
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol. 2 #22 (Comic) Review
I write about arcade games AND comics now? When the heck did THAT happen? Welp, I hope I’m good at reviewing sequential art! The...

Dustin Wilcox (Admin)
Jul 10, 2017
Time Crisis 4 (Arcade) Review
Hello, and welcome to my first review in ages! I came across Time Crisis 4 when my family visited Craig’s Cruisers near Silver Lake in...

Dustin Wilcox (Admin)
Jul 3, 2017
Arcade Hype List: Q3 2017 Edition
Edit 10/7/2017: I changed all instances of "Q2" to "Q3", because that's when this junk was actually written. My bad, homeslices. To think...

Dustin Wilcox (Admin)
Jun 12, 2017
Why I Have No Common Sense and Why Tokens are the Most Dastardly Force of Evil in the Entire Univers
Today, I write to you not of how I would improve the arcade industry, but rather I tell a tale of woe. You see, I was 90 percent finished...

Dustin Wilcox (Admin)
Jun 5, 2017
My Thoughts on Arcade Pricing
It’s been quite a while since I’ve written an article, hasn’t it? I always told myself that never would a Monday go by where I didn’t...
Dustin Wilcox (Admin)
May 1, 2017
General Update 05/01/2017
Oh darn! The obsession train is coming to one heckuva stop! For the past three or so months, I've been single-mindedly obsessed with...